TALK with Loïse BUGÉIA (EMBS 13), EMBS student

TALK with Loïse BUGÉIA (EMBS 13), EMBS student

Coming from France, Loïse is one of the students of the 13th generation. She describes herself as an extrovert and open-minded person. We had the chance to have an interesting talk with her about the EMBS experience.

Alumni: Hello Loïse, you have been enrolled in the EMBS Programme since 2019, please can you further present yourself, your passions and your background?

Loïse: Hello! I am from EMBS13 and currently in Kassel for my 3rd semester of EMBS. I am also part of the Seminar team of the 2021 EMBS seminar and one of the members taking care of the EMBS social media. Before EMBS, I studied in France Marketing Techniques (DUT Techniques de Commercialisation) in an apprenticeship with the French telecommunication company Orange and I studied my third year of bachelor in Finland at the Turku University of Applied Sciences.

I am a person that people would call creative since I really like things related to art and creation. I play music, sing, like to draw, to paint, to create visuals for social media, gifts and so on. What I prefer the most is travelling. It really helped me in my life to travel, discover new places, new people and since I have started, I have never stopped! I also really like simple things such as binge-watching series, good (not so healthy) food, being with people I love. And finally, nature is important to me, I am from the South of France so I grew up close to the sea so it has an important place in my heart to be close to nature, big spaces.

Alumni: How is your second year of EMBS going?

Loïse: So far, everything is fine. Currently, we are following online classes and at the same time working on the master thesis, which is the main focus of this semester in Kassel. 

Alumni: Unfortunately, we are facing difficult times. How is it the student life in these unusual times?

Loïse: It is quite different from what I had originally in mind before the pandemic. At first, we could gather time to time and enjoy together in Kassel but then a lockdown began so it became hard to have a student life. We still managed to visit a bit the surroundings in between but it is quite frustrating being abroad with friends and not being able to meet or travel around to discover the country. However, it is still an experience to live and to tell later. 

Alumni: Although your experience as an EMBS student is different from the usual, we are sure that you will gain a valuable learning experience.

Loïse: Exactly, it is important to get the positive out of things. This experience is making me appreciate small moments of daily life and also the beauty of nature. 

Alumni: You have not had the chance to meet Alumni yet. We hope we can gather together as the previous years.

Loïse: Last year we could not go to Budapest so we are putting all our efforts to make this year seminar possible. One of the valuable aspects of EMBS is the network you get and we want to make sure every generation take the seminar as an opportunity to get in touch with Alumni to create bonds and develop our community. We are looking forward to meeting everyone in Porto this year! 

Alumni: Thank you for your time Loïse. We wish you all the best.

Loïse: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you my vibes. I am looking forward to seeing the development of the Alumni network.


Loïse's EMBS Profile

Entry year in the EMBS community: 2019

Your best EMBS souvenir: One of my best EMBS souvenir was in Trento, for Halloween, which is maybe my favourite celebration of the year, we did a party in Sanba and it was really nice to relax like this all together during this stressful period.

Your preferred EMBS city: So far, Annecy but Leon might dethrone it.

Your Master Thesis subject: Working on the impact of CoVid-19 on the Ecotourism perception.

The top 3 cities where you would love to have an EMBS seminar: Helsinki, Gdansk, Oslo.

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